
Extracting Files from a Setup.exe

Run setup.exe at the command line with the /a switch. The /a switch causes Setup.exe to perform an administrative installation.

extract (擷取)

在Windows Server 2016 和更新版本,以及Windows 10 中,既不提供也不支援程式檔案Extract.exe。 由Extrac32.exe 取代它,最初是Internet Explorer 的一部分, ...

extract extrac32

Reference article for the extract command, which extracts files from a source location.

How to extract .msi files from .exe files?

Copy the software executable (.exe file) that needs to be extracted to C:-decomp. 3. Open the Command Prompt and go to the directory C:-decomp.

extract files from a .exe file using the windows command line

Can anybody suggest me how to extract files from a .exe file using the windows command line. And I want to execute this command in power ...

Extract File's Product Version field using cmd

I am new at batch scripting and looking for a way to extract the Product Version field of an .exe file using a command on cmd.

windows - How to unzip a file using the cmd?

For zipping a file, I have found this question: Can you zip a file from the command prompt using ONLY Windows' built-in capability to zip files?

How to extract MSI files from an EXE installer

Run Windows Command Prompt (cmd) (in Windows 10: open the Start menu, type cmd and press Enter) and go to the folder where your EXE file is ...

Extract .exe file : rSCCM

In many, but not all, cases EXEs can be extracted by third party tools like 7-zip. Related, often the EXEs are simply wrapping an MSI that I ...

Extracting files from an executable with the command prompt

If you want to extract ALL of the files from an SEA the simplest method would be to simply execute the .exe which will do it's thing and extract ...


Runsetup.exeatthecommandlinewiththe/aswitch.The/aswitchcausesSetup.exetoperformanadministrativeinstallation.,在WindowsServer2016和更新版本,以及Windows10中,既不提供也不支援程式檔案Extract.exe。由Extrac32.exe取代它,最初是InternetExplorer的一部分, ...,Referencearticlefortheextractcommand,whichextractsfilesfromasourcelocation.,Copythesoftwareexecutable(.exefile)thatneedstobeextractedtoC:-decom...